Please check out our recently added
In the past month, over 12 hours of new shows have been posted for your listening pleasure!
One program that is gaining a lot of attention locally is "Messages from a P.O.W."
- produced and recorded by PCR Vice President Craig Henderson. CBC and Castanet have recently
picked up on this touching story about the many shortwave radio listeners who conveyed messages
from prisoners-of-war to their anxious families in North America during the 2nd World War. You can
listen on demand via the link above, and the public also has the opportunity to hear more of the story
first hand February 19th at the Penticton Museum & Archives Auditorium (785 Main St.), noon to 1:00 pm.
Admission is by donation.
Last week, the Brown Bag Lecture series featured local Dennis Walker who spoke about his experiences
as a local broadcaster, and next week, Peach City Radio president Dave Del Rizzo will get a chance to
talk about community radio and what our group is working towards.