New Syndicated Shows Enter Schedule
August 2, 2015 by CFUZ

On Monday, August 3, regular listeners of Peach City Radio may notice a slight change in our online streaming schedule. Your Programming Committee has worked hard over the past months to securing some new syndicated content from our fellow NCRA stations and elsewhere, to add to our online stream.

Starting this week, we'll be airing 7 new (to CFUZ) shows during the course of the week, including Alternative Radio, True North, WINGS, Terra Informa, City Slang, !earshot20 and The Mixed Tape. These shows represent a diversity of styles and content found throughout the collective of NCRA member stations, and will augment the already amazing shows that are produced at Peach City Radio. Find out more about each of these shows, and our own shows, by perusing the online streaming schedule and clicking on any of the shows on that page. Pages for each show let you know how to contact the hosts/producers for feedback.

Our hope is that these syndicated shows, along with our very own CFUZ program library, will inspire our listeners to come up with ideas of their own for interesting, informative and entertaining shows to be broadcast on Peach City Radio. If you'd like to get involved, if you have an idea for your own show, or you know of a show you'd like to hear on Peach City Radio, drop us a line to prog @

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