Peach City Radio is currently broadcasting and streaming content 24 hours a day,
7 days per week. We encourage everyone to tune in via their FM radio at 92.9MHz
in the FM band, or via the link on our
home page. Use this handy schedule to find our what is
on air during the times you are listening.
We recommend Chrome to view this schedule. Please let us
know if you encounter any difficulties!
What's New?
February 23, 2025The Reverb Chamber replaces the Public Record on CFUZ Sundays at 2100h.
January 20, 2025Peers Only repeats on CFUZ Mondays at 0705h.
Music Program Programs and podcasts which feature mostly music
Show Name
Show Name
Show Name
Indicates a syndicated show. These shows are not produced at Peach City Radio. Your programming committee, and other members have
suggested that we play these shows to help inspire our members to make great radio, as our fellow NCRA stations in Canada do.
Show Name
Each schedule element with a program, is actually a link to the webpage for that program. Click on this to take you to where you
can experience the back-catalogue for a given show
Spoken Word Program Programs and podcasts which features mostly spoken word content (ie. interviews, etc...)
Show Name
Automated Music Playout Music curated from our station library
Podcast Archive Randomly played podcasts from our program archive
Podcast Archive
Why Does the Schedule Say One Thing, and Yet I Hear Something Different?
Our station has many volunteers making programs for Peach City Radio. Because we are a volunteer-based organization,
we are unable to pay our DJs and Hosts to create content for Peach City Radio. Our DJs and Hosts are community
members, just like you! We rely on the time committment that our volunteers are willing to give.
As we all know, community members are busy people! Despite the fact that we would love to have new episodes of shows
to air each week, we realize that many volunteers aren't able to keep up with the demand to come up with new episodes
on a weekly, or even a bi-weekly basis. So what we've done is plan time in the schedule for all the shows which our
programming committee has approved (that's why you see it in the display). If there is no new episode, our schedule
makers are authorized to slot in shows from our vast (over 600 and counting) archive of podcasted content
which has been created for Peach City Radio. This benefits you, our listeners, so that you won't hear the same few
episodes of a given show over and over again in our schedule.
So, yes, from time to time, the schedule displayed on this page may not jive with what you are hearing on our online
stream. But we hope that in the not too distant future, we'll have more content than we know what to do with, so that
we can more predictably tell you, our listeners, what you can expect to hear on Peach City Radio!
We hope that a soon-to-be-established physical studio for Peach City Radio, will inspire and enable our programmers,
DJs and Hosts to fill this schedule sooner rather than later. Perhaps it will inspire YOU to get involved!